The emission gas nebula NGC 281 (“Pacman”) is located in constellation Cassiopeia, at a distance of about 9500 light years. A stellar cluster (IC 1590) is located inside NGC 281 with the brightest cluster member HIP 4121 (HD 5005) which is the ionizing source of the emission nebula.
This object is the first one to test my ASI camera with a set of narrowband filters, namely H-alpha, [SII] and [OIII]. These narrowband filters transmit at wavelengths of 656 nm, 672 nm and 501 nm with half width of 12 nm, respectively.
Image processing was done using PixInsight V 1.8.9.
Emission nebula NGC 281. The stellar cluster IC 1590 is located inside NGC 281 with the brightest cluster member HIP 4121 (HD 5005) which is the ionizing source of the emission nebula. Composite of 3 narrowband filter exposures: [SII] (red), H-alpha (green) and [OIII] (blue). These narrowband filters transmit at wavelengths of 672 nm, 656 nm and 501 nm with half width of 12 nm, respectively. 02 October 2022, Kempen,
William Optics APO 110 mm, f/7, ASI1600mm pro, gain 139, T = -10C, H-alpha 3600 s, [SII] 3480 s, and [OIII] 3480 s
Image processing with PixInsight V.1.8.9