The large Cirrus Nebula or Veil Nebula is an emission structure resulting from a Supernova event about 8000 years ago in the constellation Cygnus. The Cirrus Nebula was discovered by Wilhelm Herschel in 1784, has a diameter of 3 deg or 150 light-years located at a distance of 2400 light-years. The picture shows a combined image using data from H-alpha (red) and O[III] (blue) filters. Most prominent features are the so-called “Western Veil” (NGC 6960) and the “Eastern Veil” (NGC 6992) with in between the so-called “Pickering’s Triangle”.
Cirrus Nebula, 5, 6 & 7 September 2023, Kempen, Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4 L USM telelens, f = 200 mm,
H-alpha, [OIII] (3480 s, 3600 s), ASI1600mm pro, gain 139, T = -10C, Image processing with PixInsight V1.8.9